ating the Model Urban High School in the United States”Thursday, October 2, 2008Today is Day 1
Weekly Calendar:
Thursday JV Boys Soccer vs. St. Anselms 4:15
Gay Straight Alliance Meeting at STEP in room L26
FridayNo School for Students – Parent Conferences 12:00-7:00 pm
Varsity Boys Soccer vs. Ballou 4:00 pm
Varsity Club Girls Soccer vs. Maret at Duke Ellington 4:00 pm
Varsity Football vs. Sidwell Friends at 7:00 pm
Parent-Teacher Conferences – will be held this
Friday, October 3, 2008. Teachers will be available to meet with parents from
12:00 pm to 4:00 pm and
5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.
School is closed for students on Friday.
COMMUNITY SERVICE OPPORTUNITY - Student Conservation Association—A DCPS Office of Out of School Time vetted organizations is offering a School’s Out for Student’s Service Project
WHEN: Friday October 3, 2008
Meet at Eastern Market Metro
8:45am to get van rides to the park. Back by
3:00pmWHO: All students invited
WHAT: Help clean up Anacostia Park/River and learn about how you affect the entire watershed.
WHERE: Anacostia Park
WHY: Get community service hours! Be a positive part of your community!
DETAILS: Bring a positive attitude, bagged lunch, water bottle, and clothes/shoes you don’t mind getting dirty.
UTH@thesca.org to receive waver to bring on the day of.
YOUTH VENTURE - Youth Venture is a DCPS Office of Out of School Time vetted organization which funds student groups or businesses that wish to make a positive social impact on the world. Their "DREAM IT DO IT"
Challenge begins on October 18th and they would like to invite Wilson students to apply for the program. 10 sessions of planning and learning allows students to get up to $1000 in seed money for their program which addresses a unique community need. For more information, please
stop by room 227 to pick up an application from Ms. Josephson (
Jamie.Josephson@dc.gov) or contact
amontemurro@youthventure.org from Youth Venture directly.
Upcoming events from the Music Department: If any faculty member is interested in singing Carol of the Bells and Silent Night in the Annual Winter Concert (
December 16, 6:00 PM), please meet in Room A-1 during S.T.E.P. on Friday. Additional rehearsals will be announced.
In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, 70 students in the Music Department will attend a performance by Na'Rimba at the Cultural Institute of Mexico on
Monday, October 6. Students must have their permission slips signed by all teachers.
Students must meet in room A-1 before departure. We will leave the building at 9:00 am.
Kennedy Center Performance -
Winard Harper will perform in room A-1 on Thursday, October 2. If you are interested in hearing this outstanding jazz musician, contact Mrs. Williams-Chisholm by COB.
Attention All Squash Players - This is a reminder that there will be a
meeting today at lunch in Ms. Johnston's room for anyone interested in joining the winter squash team.
Wilson’s Gay Straight Alliance - meets
every Thursday in room L 26 next to the gym. Join us on Thursday during STEP. Wilson's Gay Straight Alliance strives to assure that every member of our school community is valued and respected regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity/expression. Wilson’s GSA is open to everyone, Straight, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual, and Questioning.
College Visits this Week: Seniors, please pick up a pass from Ms. Bean in the College and Career Center 24 hours prior to the visit if you would like to talk with representatives from any of these colleges. All college visits will occur in room 108 unless otherwise noted.
ThursdaySt. John’s University, NY 9:00
University of Colorado 9:30
Emmanuel College 10:00
Arizona University 11:00
University of Vermont STEP
“Make It a Great Day or Not, the Choice is YOURS”