Sunday, August 31, 2008
Newspaper Internship Opportunity
Ideal Candidate: Student with an interest in journalism, preferably an interest in business news, to help with clerical, Internet research, telephone research and news writing duties at The Gazette in Gaithersburg for the business news staff.
Candidate Needed: Fall semester, possibly to start as early as the last week in August.
Qualifications: Good telephone manner, reliability, good reading, writing skills and someone who has their own car for transportation to the office.
Previous experience writing or editing for a school, church or community newspaper or newsletter is desired, but not required.
Contact: Steve Monroe at
The Gazette
9030 Comprint Court
Gaithersburg, MD 20877
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Closing the Digital Divide

An added benefit to the students is the conference participation, where selected AAWCS scholars will be chosen to attend two national conferences, including the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing and the National Conference of Women in Information Technology (NCWIT).
The AAWCS program runs through June 30, 2012.
For program applications contact:
Dr. Jason Black
(850) 412-7354
Beautify your garden and support Wilson's HAM and WISP Academies by ordering spring bulbs from Flower Power.
We will earn a 50% profit on each bulb sale. Proceeds from the sales will help pay for specialty teachers, field trips, arts enrichment, international festivals and more.
The order form will be available at Back-to -chool Night, the HAM/WISP meetings or contact Penny Ray.
1. Include Order Form and payment in envelope provided. Write your name and phone number on the envelope. Checks only, please. Make checks payable to Wilson Senior High School and note "Bulb Sale" on memo line.
2. RETURN ENVELOPES: Jeff Shultz' office Room 128 or Penny Ray
3. BULD ORDERS ARE DUE: Friday, September 26, 2008
4. PICK UP BULB ORDERS: October 24, 25 & 26
At the home of
Penny Ray
4320 Albemarle St., NW
Washington, DC 20016
Orders will include planting and care instructions. Questions?
CONTACT: Penny Ray
Harvard Model Congress English/Español

put cursor on image, right click,
scroll to open link and right click

El Modelo del Congreso Harvard (HMC) está presentando una oportunidad única para estudiantes de secundaria para participar en el Gobierno Americano a hacienda roles y simulacros para desarrollar un mejor entendimiento del deber cívico y como funcional el gobierno Americano. Por medio de una variedad de Comités del Congreso cubriendo una rede amplia de asuntos federales importantes y una colección diversa de comités de Programas Especiales señalando otras funciones del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos, el HMC se esfuerza en proveer un aprendizaje que fomenta crecimiento individual y grupo de educación.
Participando en debates abiertos, juntas, juicios, conferencias de prensas y testimonios, los estudiantes usan sus mentes para ver cual es el propósito de gobierno Americano y como funciona. Un personal comprometido de estudiantes de Harvard se esfuerza en facilitar un aprendizaje apoyado por ellos y un ambiente educacional que se enfoca en la participación de los estudiantes. Mas que nada, HMC se dedica a proveer una atmósfera instructiva y de diversión in la cual se desarrolla un compromiso e interés el gobierno Americano.
Adjunto esta una hoja con mas información.
Exhortamos a que deje a su hijo/hija participar.
Friday, August 29, 2008

We will teach you to play an instrument: sax, flute,
Wednesday, September 3rd
11:45 am (lunch)
Room A4 (above auditorium)
Band Director
Wilson Listserv Sign Up
Please pass along sign up instructions to other Wilson parents, students, teachers, faculty and staff who may not yet be listserv members.
Signing up is as easy as going to the school web site at Under the heading E-MAIL UPDATES enter your e-mail address in the box provided and press submit.

Questions or comments can be sent to
Sunday, August 24, 2008
What's Going On at Wilson?
Wednesday, August 27th, 7 pm - 9 pm
Join us in the Wilson Auditorium to hear about:
- Principal Cahall's "State of Wilson" address
- New Wilson Staff
- Design Plans for Modernization
- Actions by the school's advisory board: LSRT
- PTSA Annual Budget
The meeting starts promptly at 7 pm, but COME EARLY (6:30 pm) for food, good company, turn in forms, and get a good seat for the action!
Wilson LSRT Meeting
I. Formally Adopt Minutes from August
II. Principal's Report
-Report on School Opening
III. Update on Master Schedule
IV. Update on STEP
V. Facilities and Business Report
-Update on WMC issues
V. Report on Summer Transition Programs
-Orientation for new students/families
-Jump Start
VI. Office and Lab Assistants
-Proposal from Working Group
VII. Additional Members
-Proposal from Working Group
VIII. 2008-9 Local School Plan
-Update from Working Group
IX. Landscaping
-Update, if any
X. Plus/Delta
Mary L. Froning
Wilson LSRT Chair
Phone: 202-244-9194
Fax: 202-966-7183
Local School Restructuring Team meetings are at Wilson Senior High School
the tentative location is in Conference Room 108
Observers welcome
(WMPA) MEETING REMINDER TONIGHT Monday, August 25th, 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

The Wilson Minority Parents Alliance (WMPA) is an organization of parent advocates whose purpose is to advance access to educational opportunities and programs for students of color at Woodrow Wilson Senior High School.
The WMPA works cooperatively and collaboratively with existing organizations and boards at Wilson, while striving to address the challenges associated with academic parity confronting minority students at Wilson.
We propose solutions, as well as, respond to concerns of disparate treatment based on race or ethnicity.
The WMPA serves as an information resource for minority students and parents regarding key issues at Wilson, along with communicating on activities and events that promote academic scholarship, civic participation and social/extracurricular opportunities.
Visit our blog at
Please check the blog for upcoming meetings and events
Future WMPA Meeting Dates
August 25th, September 22nd, October 27th
6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Woodridge Library
1801 Rhode Island Ave., NE
(the corner of 18th & Rhode Island)
Inquiries are welcomed at
(La Alianza de Padres de la Minoridad de la Escuela Wilson)
La Alianza de Padres de la Minoridad de la Escuela Secundaria Woodrow Wilson, WMPA, es una organización de padres que defiende y busca impulsar las oportunidades y programas educativos para los estudiantes minoritarios de la escuela .
La WMPA coopera y colabora con las organizaciones y juntas ya existentes dentro de la escuela y también acoge los problemas y desafíos asociados con la paridad académica que enfrenta el estudiantado minoritario.
Proponemos soluciones y respondemos a todo tipo de inquietud relacionada con la disparidad de tratamiento basado en raza o etnicidad.
La WMPA sirve de fuente de información para estudiantes minoritarios y sus familias sobre los temas importantes en la escuela y para dar a conocer las actividades y eventos que promueven la erudición académica y la participación civica como también las actividades sociales y extracurriculares.
Visiten nuestro blog:
Fechas de Próximas Reuniones de WMPA
Agosto 25, Septiembre 22, Octubre 27
6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Woodridge Library
1801 Rhode Island Ave., NE
(esquina de 18th & Rhode Island)
Enviénos sus preguntas a:
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Student Volunteers Needed To Help Sort Locks & Lockers

Monday, August 18, 2008

Community Service Certification will be done by Alex Wilson, Wilson SHS Director of Academic Development. Mr. Wilson will take students' names and hours and complete their community service sheets for them.

· Meet teachers and others important to your success at Wilson
· See old friends and meet new people
· Get your locker
· Tour the school so you know where to go
· Learn how to get involved in activities, sports, and clubs
· Find out what to do if you need help with classes and other issues
· Hear from current Wilson students


6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
this important stage in your teen’s education.
· Ways to Get Involved: opportunities for parents and students to actively participate at Wilson SHS
· Academic Requirements, Grading, and Graduation Planning
· Student Support: there are many programs and services at Wilson to help your teen succeed in school
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Summer School Diplomas Are In
If you attended summer school somwhere other than Wilson, that school may not have printed your diploma yet.
Before making a trip to the school call Sandy Bean at 202 282-2358.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Wilson 2007-2008 Yearbooks Are Here!
No year books will be given out without a receipt.
See Ms. Bean
Take Out An Ad in the Wilson Beacon!
Ads are $25 for a 16th of a page.
If you have a business that you believe might benefit by reaching the Wilson community, and would like to talk with us about a larger ad, or a longer-running one, we'd like that even more.
Joe Riener, Faculty Co-Advisor,
To place an ad in the next issue, we'll need copy and payment by
August 19th.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
"Stuffing Party" Volunteers Needed Wednesday, August 13th
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Chancellor Rhee's Community Forum Series

learning, schools, and system-wide reforms
When: The last Wednesday of every month, from 5:00pm – 6:30 pm
August 27, 2008
September 24, 2008
October 29, 2008
November– to be scheduled
December– to be scheduled
January 28, 2009
February 25, 2009
March 25, 2009
April 29, 2009
May 27, 2009
June 24, 2009
July 29, 2009
Why: To provide information and to stimulate conversation on compelling topics of interest in education. To provide opportunity for Q & A, public feedback, and commentary on other matters relevant to DCPS.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Lab/Office Assistant Program
The LSRT is forming a project group to discuss the specifics and formulate a proposal for the Lab/Office Assistant program at Wilson High School. We must meet to formulate a proposal for presentation to the LSRT before the August 26th meeting.
If you are interested contact:
Julie Caccamise
Include your availability and contact information
Washington, DC’s Sales Tax Holiday

The District’s Sales Tax Holiday offers shoppers savings for a limited period by exempting sales tax on certain purchases. Just in time for back-to-school shopping, shoppers save 5.75% sales tax when purchasing clothes, accessories, shoes and school supplies. The sales tax exemption applies to each eligible item that costs $100 or less.
For more information, see the web site for the
DC Office of Tax and Revenue.
Monday, August 4, 2008
1. Tuesday, August 5th, 7:30 am - 8:30 am - LSRT meeting. It is open to observers in room 124.
2. Tuesday, Student-Principal Focus Group, 1 pm - 3 pm - This is a focus group with Wilson students and the new principal Mr. Cahall to have an informal conversation about what's on the minds of students and their vision for the coming school year. This is open to all students.
Participants are asked when they arrive to go to the main office and inform they are there for the principal meeting. Students will be directed to where to go.
3. Tuesday, August 5th, 6 pm - 8 pm - The last Principal Meet & Greet. The location has changed. It is now being held at Riverside Baptist Church versus Jefferson Middle School. The church is across the street from Jefferson. The directions are the same, a 10 minute walk from L’enfant Plaza Metro on the Yellow Line/Green Line.
Riverside Baptist Church
680 Eye St., SW
Washington, DC 20024
Wednesday, August 6th, 2008 events
1. Wednesday, August 6th, 8:30 am - Wilson Management Corporation (WMC) meeting. It is open to everyone in the Wilson Library.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
All are welcome to attend Grimm + Parker's presentation regarding Wilson's modernization planning. Please take part in this important process.
The following topics will be presented followed by discussion:
1. Refinements of the plan
2. Updated building sections and character sketches of the project from Chesapeake Street and Nebraska Avenue
3. Clear identification of vertical circulation
4. Before and after comparisons
5. Draft EDSPEC and Capacity analysis document
Thanks for your participation,
Ginny Callanen Wilson Management Corporation
Principal 'Meet & Greet' Address Change
680 Eye St., SW
Washington, DC 20024
Across the street from Jefferson Middle School (original site)
Parking available in lot next to church
10 minute walk from L’enfant Plaza Metro (Yellow line/Green line)
* TUESDAY, AUGUST 5, 2008 6 pm - 8 pm *
There will be refreshments and good company!
2nd Student-Principal FOCUS GROUP Tuesday, August 5th from 1 pm - 3 pm
!Wilson Management Cares What You Think!
Wilson’s management team wants to meet with interested students over the summer to get their ideas and input about the following questions:
1. What suggestions do you have for improvements at Wilson? What will help make Wilson a model school?
2. What do you like about Wilson? What are its strengths?
You are invited to share thoughts on issues important to you, including for example:
- safety, security, discipline
- academics, sports, extra-curricular activities
- dress code, cafeteria and food, facilities
Full List of Meeting Dates:
Tuesday, July 29th, 9 am – 11 am
Tuesday, August 5th, 1 pm – 3 pm
Tuesday, August 12th, 6 pm– 8 pm
Please go to the main office and mention the meeting and you will be directed as to where to go for the meeting wtih Principal Cahall.
Wilson families are invited to one of the following receptions to meet Wilson’s new Principal, Pete Cahall, as well as other new staff on the Administrative Team:
July 31st (Thursday), 6 pm – 8 pm
· Wilson Library, 3950 Chesapeake Street, N.W. 20016
· Tenleytown Metro (Red line)
August 2 (Saturday), 10 am – 12 pm (noon)
· Mary’s Center, 2355 Ontario Road, N.W.
· At the corner of Kalorama; 10 minute walk from either the
Columbia Heights Metro (Yellow line/Green line) or
Woodley Park Metro (Red line)
August 5th (Tuesday), 6 pm – 8 pm
· Jefferson Middle School, 801 7th St SW
· 10 minute walk from L’enfant Plaza Metro (Yellow line/Green line)
There will be refreshments and good company!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Wilson LSRT Meeting
Proposed agenda:
I. Formal adoption of July Minutes
II. Ground rules
III. LSRT Mission Statement
IV. LSRT Appointments - update, if any, re: additional members
V. Principal's Report
Welcome, orientation and mentoring plans for new teachers and staff
-Proposed changes to practices, policies, programs and training that impact school climate
-90-day Plan
VI. Facilities and Business Report - Mr. Howe (plus continuing discussion of proposal to have WMC take over management of OTPS monies)
V. 2007-8 Local School Plan
-Brief review
-Develop working group to write evaluation
VII. 2008-9 Local School Plan
-Brief review of key elements from Chancellor's Restructuring Plan
-Develop on-going working group for Plan
VIII. Office and Lab Assistants-procedures to fill
IX. Test Score Distribution Plan
X. Delineation of duties and responsibilities of LSRT, SCAC, and Personnel Committee - Mr. Martel
XI. Update on Master Schedule - Ms. Waits
XII. Update on STEP - Ms. Butler
XIII. Update on Summer Transition Programs
-Orientation - Ms. Berkey and Mr. Bargeman
-Jump Start - Summer Bridge for incoming below grade level 9th graders - Mr. Bargeman
-Plans for double periods of math/English - ??
Mary L. FroningWilson LSRT Chair
Phone: 202-244-9194Fax: 202-966-7183
Tuesday, August 26th at 4:30 pm
LSRT meetings are at Wilson Senior High School in Room 124
Friday, August 1, 2008
LSRT Minutes - July 22, 2008
Administration: Pete Cahall
Faculty Reps: Julie Caccamise, Gloria Gibson
WTU Rep: Erich Martel
Parent Reps: Mary Froning (chair), Margot Berkey, Carmen Carrera, Verna Clayborne
PTSA Liaison: Sarah Whitener
Guests: Greg Bargeman, Hanna Mahon (student), Norgie Bigger, Jim Leonard, Harry Travis, Jeremy Singer, Maureen Thompson, Erica Ling, Frederick Carter, Charlette Butler, Mary Beth Waits
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 am.
I. Adoption of MinutesThe June minutes were adopted.
II. LSRT Appointments – Community and Additional
Margot Berkey and Erich Martel tried to determine the current requirements for the composition of our LSRT. They directed us to choose one community member, after which we could choose the "Other" members. Ms. Norgie Bigger, a candidate for community member, introduced herself. The candidate from Asian LEAD had to withdraw, but the program said they would try to send an observer to some of the meetings. Ms. Bigger was voted to be this year's community rep.
In considering an additional member, several issues were raised. Mr. Bargeman was an additional member last year and could be named again. We have agreed that we need to have more representation from the Special Ed department and from the Asian community at Wilson. Mr. Martel will seek clarification on whether or not the new math and literacy coaches will take up our "other" slots on the LSRT. Members of the Roving Leaders have been suggested. We need to be cognizant of balancing parent and teacher voices on the LSRT as we bring in new appointments. It was agreed that we table the discussion of "other" members until the next meeting.
III. Determination of LSRT Schedule
Because some find the 7:30 am time difficult and others find the afternoon meeting time a challenge, it was decided that we hold the first, and main, LSRT meeting on the 2nd Tuesday of each month (when possible) at 4:30 pm. If at the end of that meeting another one is required, it will be held on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 7:30 am. Because of reconfigurations, the meeting may be moved from Room 124, but at least the meeting on August 5th at 4:30 p.m. will be held there.
The schedule for the year's main meetings at 4:30 pm is: Sept. 9, Oct. 14, Nov. 4, Dec. 9, Jan. 13, Feb. 10, Mar. 17, Apr. 14, May 12, June 9.
IV. Principal's Report
a. Introduction of Administrative Team
Mr. Cahall introduced Mary Beth Waits and Charlette Butler, our new Assistant Principals. The third Assistant Principal is Jaime Merlos.
Mr. Cahall explained that he spent last week at the University of Virginia at a School Turnaround training. Principals from DC, Louisiana, Chicago and elsewhere attended. They learned about a tool for monitoring progress during the year – Scorecard. They developed action plans and refined the Local School Plan to two pages. Mr. Cahall is ready to set up project groups, through the LSRT and others, to tackle many different aspects of school life such as school attendance and tardiness, policies on hats and electronic devices, communications, and parent involvement. There will also be groups looking at issues such as math and reading assessment intervention and monitoring Honors/AP enrollment participation and performance, inclusion/co-teaching special ed. Mr. Cahall will be making a 90-day plan and Wilson will be visited in October by a representative from the UVA program. There will also be a 2 year plan. In January Mr. Cahall will take a team of 3 people to UVA for further training.
b. Vacancies/Hiring
Mr. Cahall is working as quickly as possible to fill over 20 vacancies, but can only work as fast as he is supported by the central office. He is still waiting to hear how Special Ed will be staffed and whether the four special ed teachers on our local budget include the teachers in self-contained classrooms [this was later clarified that self-contained classroom teachers are funded by the Office of the State Superintendent]. Ms. Berkey reported that Parents United and Mary Levy analyzed the staffing in the restructuring schools across the city and did not see how the staffing models would meet the needs of the schools. There isn't clarity on whether counselors are 10-, 11-, or 12-month employees. Mr. Cahall reported difficulty in getting clear answers from the central office, with the exception of the Chancellor.
At the time of the meeting: Four of five counselors had been hired. The science department was fully staffed. The math dept. needed 2 teachers. English and social studies were in good shape. We still needed 1 PE teacher, 1 Spanish teacher, and one Latin teacher. The 9th grade Academy was fully staffed. The College Bureau will be staffed.
c. Budget
Ms. Butler is working on the OTPS (Other Than Personnel) items in the budget and clarifying Title I and Title II requirements. The Twilight program might use Title I money, for instance. DCPS is in danger of losing that money if it isn't used according to Federal guidelines. Ms. Butler is also looking for appropriate sources of funds for the Jump Start program for rising 9th graders and the 9th grade orientations.
The total OTPS budget for this year is $338,000, of which we can use $10,000 until October 1st. Each department would therefore get $700. This presents a challenge because two departments, science and art, have more expenditures to make at the beginning of the year than the others. It was suggested that the departments could voluntarily work out an alternative, voluntary funding formula to reflect differing needs for the departments.
d. Master Schedule
Assistant Principal Waits is working on the master schedule. A decision needs to be made on the lunch period so she can proceed. Mr. Cahall said he preferred the single lunch period if it is highly structured. He presented the LSRT with 4 lunch options, two of which involved a single lunch period. The LSRT reached consensus on a single lunch period using a structure entitled STEP (Student Teacher Enrichment Period), which would include diverse activities for students and help with monitoring by the teachers. Mr. Cahall would like to refine the structural support with a team of 5 parents, 5 students and 5 teachers. Julie Caccamise, Charlette Butler and Hanna Mahon will try to find 5 students who represent different grade levels and backgrounds. The PTSA will be asked for similar suggestions from the parents. Mr. Martel will find volunteers from the teachers. The first meeting of the STEP task force will be Thursday, July 24, at 4:30 pm. The group will meet periodically during the school year as needed.
V. Facilities and Business Report
The idea has been raised previously that the WMC could assist with managing Wilson's OTPS money – not to decide how to spend it but to improve the efficiency with which it flows through the school. The WMC Board represents the diversity of stakeholders at Wilson, and DCPS would provide ultimate oversight. Mr. Martel emphasized how important it would be for the LSRT to get monthly reports on the WMC expenditures, and how important it is that the LSRT, NOT the WMC, retain the function of advising the principal on expenditures. He welcomed the monthly expenditure reports because it has been almost impossible to obtain them before this. Mary Froning will forward the WMC proposal to the LSRT members.
VI. Summer Transition Programs
Three proposed plans, from Mr. Cahall, Ms. Berkey, and Mr. Bargeman, were blended into one. New Parent Orientation will take place August 21. New Student Orientation will take place August 22. Parents will be encouraged during their meeting to send their children to the orientation the next day.Ms. Butler has been working on the new student handbook which will be mailed home in the summer mailing. It has very specific information on the calendar (including the AP and DCCAS exam schedules) and on other important items such as the dress code, absences and tardiness.
During the first 3 days of school there will be student orientations during which expectations will be made very clear. The students will be assessed afterward, and students who do not understand the new guidelines will have to stay in orientation until they do.
Mr. Cahall suggested that Back to School Night be held Thursday, Sept. 18th.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 am.
The next meeting will be held on August 5th at 7:30 am. If another meeting is necessary, it will beheld August 26th at 4:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted, Sarah Whitener