8 AM - 1 PM
Come help get the grounds of Wilson ready for the new 2008-2009 school year. There will be everything, from mulching, painting, picking up litter to get prepped for school, which begins the following Monday. The hope is also to get the flagpole rope fixed so stars and stripes will fly on the 25th.

Students this is a chance to earn up to (five) community service hours while improving your school.
Community Service Hours forms can be accessed from Wilson's website http://www.wilsonhs.org/. On the site under the left column select: Students & Parents. Then in the drop-down go to the fourth bullet to display the community service forms. You can print them from there using this link http://www.wilsonhs.org/admin/page3.pdf.
Community Service Certification will be done by Alex Wilson, Wilson SHS Director of Academic Development. Mr. Wilson will take students' names and hours and complete their community service sheets for them.
Community Service Certification will be done by Alex Wilson, Wilson SHS Director of Academic Development. Mr. Wilson will take students' names and hours and complete their community service sheets for them.
Volunteers are asked to register for Beautification Day at https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?key=pamDbzcTw1Tukg9E7Hob8cw&email=true
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