ng the Model Urban High School in the United States”
Monday, September 29, 2008Today is Day 2
Weekly Calendar:
Monday Do Something Nice for Someone that You Do Not Know
Tuesday Take Time to Say Thank You to a Teacher Who Has Helped You
Wednesday Homeroom Advisory (10:00-10:45)
Sophomore and Junior Parent Meeting in the Library at 7:00 pm
Thursday Gay Straight Alliance Meeting at STEP in room L26
Friday No School for Students – Parent Conferences 12:00-7:00 pm
Varsity Football vs. Sidwell at 7:00 pm
Congratulations JROTC -
Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Gerald Foster and
Cadet Sergeant Major Nigel Draper,
both WSHS seniors and four-year JROTC cadets, were selected as the Commander and Senior Non-Commissioned Officer, respectively. A clean sweep, for two bright, dedicated, deserving young gentlemen who I am sure will serve in the highest traditions of WSHS and the JROTC program.
Theft – Unfortunately, we live in a world where people will steal from other people. We have experienced an increase in the theft of personal belongings last week. We are asking students to ensure that they
secure and/or lock all personal items. Please do not share your locker or lock combination with any other student. You are reminded not to leave your personal belongings unattended. I have put our administrative team, security officers, and police officers on high alert so that we can address this issue. Your help and cooperation in following the directives above is appreciated and will help to reduce the amount of theft in our school.
CREDIT RECOVERY - Credit recovery has come to Wilson! Students
may take up to three credits after school from 3:30 pm to 6:00 pm Monday through Thursday. Parental and counselor approval is necessary for enrollment. Credit recovery is sponsored by the DCPS Office of Out of School Time and is at
no cost to the student. Students should stop by
Room 227 and see Ms. Josephson, the After School Programs Site Coordinator, or email her at
Jamie.Josephson@dc.gov for more information.
Preliminary Scholastic Appitude Test (PSAT) –
Will be given to all students in grades 11, 10, and 9 on Wednesday, October 15, 2008. Please put this on your calendar as it is our goal for all students to take this very important assessment.
Student Fare Card Sales – In order to purchase a student fare card, you must
complete a deposit slip with the following information:
date, your name, and the amount ($26.00).
Special Olympics – All participants in the Summer Olympics must
see Mr. Gerald before starting your event. Captains for basketball, soccer, and volleyball, please see Mr. Gerald for rules and regulations of your sport. Everyone is responsible for checking the day and date of your contest. The front and side doors near the gym area will give you additional information.
Library Media Crew – Do you enjoy shooting videos? Have you built your own computer? Can you design a webpage or lay audio in a PowerPoint or Moviemaker file? If you can do one or more of these, we invite you to join the Library Media Crew. We are looking for some technology smart
9th to 11th grade students to produce websites, film graphics, dub DVDs and be the school’s film production crew. We will also run the school’s closed circuit television station. Come to the Library Media Crew interest
meeting on Tuesday, September 30 during STEP in the library.
Homecoming – Is
October 20-25, 2008.
In order for students to participate or attend in any of the homecoming events (talent show, pep rally, dance), students must be in “good standing” at our school.
Students who are chronically late to school, late to class, have been suspended, and/or not meeting academic expectations will not be permitted to take part in the homecoming activities.
Homecoming Spirit Days and Events:Monday, October 20 80’s Day
Tuesday, October 21 Twin Day
Wednesday, October 22 International Day
Thursday, October 23 College Wear Day
Talent Show Periods 3 & 4 (Sign Up Assembly)
Friday, October 24 Class Color Day
(12-Black, 11-Green, 10-Orange, 9 White)
Pep Rally (2:30-3:15)
Saturday, October 25 Football Game Wilson vs. Dunbar 12:00 pm
Homecoming Dance 8:00-11:00 pm
College Visits this Week - Seniors, please pick up a pass from Ms. Bean in the College and Career Center 24 hours prior to the visit if you would like to talk with representatives from any of these colleges.
Tuesday9:00 Wesley College
10:00 North Carolina State
10:15 Carleton College
STEP Green Mountain College
1:00 Colgate University
Wednesday10:45 Cleveland Institute of Art
11:40 University of Michigan
Thursday9:00 St. John’s University, NY
9:30 University of Colorado
10:00 Emmanuel College
11:00 Arizona University
STEP University of Vermont
“Make It a Great Day or Not, the Choice is YOURS”