Monday, September 8, 2008
Wilson Players Fall Production - If you are interested in participating in our fall production, keep your eyes peeled for sign announcing audition dates. The play this year will be "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest."
Wilson Cheerleading Tryouts - Cheerleading try-outs will be held on September 9 through 11 beginning at 4:00 pm in the gymnasium. Please dress in athletic shoes, shorts, and either a black, green, white or gray shirt. Please be prompt and ready to work.
Ragtime Auditions - Auditions for this year's Wilson Musical, RAGTIME, will be held this week in the auditorium after school. Singing and acting auditions are Monday, September 8 and Tuesday, September 9 from 3:30 to 5:30. You only need to come to one of these days. Please prepare a song to sing (preferably a song from a musical) that shows off your vocal range and musical ability. Dance auditions are Wednesday, September 10 from 3:30 to 5:00. Students interested in working on the tech crew should come by to any of these dates and times for auditions.
SAT Fee Waivers - Please see Ms. Hall in room B16 during STEP to register for the SAT. Fee waivers are available.
Textbooks - If you owe money for lost or stolen textbooks, please see Ms. Cunningham in the bookroom during STEP to set up a payment plan so that you can obtain your textbooks for this year.
No Free Lunch - Beginning on Monday, students will be required to pay for lunch if they do not qualify for free or reduced lunch. Students who qualified for free or reduced lunch last year will continue to receive this benefit until October 1, 2008 but must know their ID number. If you have received free or reduced lunch in the past, you will need to complete a new application. Applications will be available in the main office and in the counseling center.
Homecoming Date Changed - The date of our homecoming has been changed to the week of October 20-24 with the homecoming football game on October 25 at 12:00 vs. Dunbar.
Want to Rule the World and Make Big Decisions? - Join the Model UN Club and travel to Boston for the Harvard Model UN in December. There will be an organizational and information meeting in room 313 at STEP (11:45) on Tuesday, September 9. If you have questions, please see Ms. Caccamise.
Are You a Leader? - The Student Government Association needs you to be a leader in our school. We need students to run for SGA and class officers. If you are interested in taking an active part in the direction of our school, please attend an informational meeting on Wednesday, September 10 at the beginning of STEP in room 313.
Picture Day - Students will take their yearbook pictures on Thursday, September 18 and Friday, September 19 during their English class. All students must take a yearbook picture. Faculty and staff are strongly encouraged to have your picture taken on one of these two days (8:30-3:30).
College Visits this Week - Seniors, please see Ms. Bean in the College and Career Center if you would like to talk with any of these colleges.
Wednesday 10:00 am Mount Holyoke
Friday 9:30 am Washington University
"Make It a Great Day or Not, the Choice is YOURS"
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