Is the Voter Registration Deadline
For 17 1/2-year-olds & Up
There is some concern brewing that voter registration is being jeopardized. Don't assume that since you have voted in the past thatyour voter registration is still active. Some people have recently checked to find out that they are no longer registered. Their registration has mysteriously disappeared even though they have been registered to vote for years.
For MARYLAND residents, you can click on the link below to check tomake sure you are still registered. http://mdelections.umbc.edu/voter_registration/v2/vote_prod.php
For VIRGINIA residents, click on the following link to check ANDregister if needed. http://www.voteforchange.com/
For DC Residents, click the following link http://www.dcboee.org/voter_info/reg_status/
If you are not registered to vote, you can click on the following link for a voter registration form which must be filled out and mailed before October 4th to vote in the general election. http://www.elections.com/
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