Thursday, November 6, 2008


Message from Wilson HS Principal Pete Cahall:

We have completed our first advisory and I am pleased to inform you that the state of Wilson is strong but needs to improve even more.

Our biggest problem right now is getting students to school and to each of their classes on time. When students are late to school or to class, they are missing valuable instruction and it is a disruption to our learning climate. Our school day begins at 8:45 am and we need students to be at school on time. Students also have five minutes to transition from one class to the next. I have found this to be enough time to from any point in the building however students stop to socialize and do not move to their next class until the bell rings to begin class.

Therefore, beginning Thursday, November 6, we will institute random daily hall sweeps. Any student found in the hall after the bell rings will be escorted to a holding room where we will assign a consequence ranging from lunch detention to suspension for repeat offenders. I know that we may think that this is a drastic step but please trust me when I say that we need to do this to maintain control and order in our school.

I hope that you will assist us in talking with your student about the need to be on time to school and to each class. I hope that you will support us in our effort to provide a safe and conducive learning climate for all of our students. I believe that if we can successfully eliminate this problem that we will find that many of the other problems that we encounter disappear. Thank you. I sincerely appreciate your continued support of our students, staff, and school.

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