Monday, Novembe 3, 2008
Weekly Calendar:
Monday Faculty Meeting in the Library 3:30-4:30
Tuesday Election Day - School is in Session
Wednesday Address to the Wilson High School Community by Mr. Cahall
Senior Class Parent and Student PTSA Meeting 7:00-9:00 pm
Friday During Homeroom - First Advisory Reports Cards Issued
Back to Normal - With homecoming two weeks ago and having three advisory periods last week due to the DCBAS and enrollment audit, we will have a regular schedule this week and hopefully get back to the basics in adhering to the our established expectations.
Refocus, Remind, Reinforce - We have completed our first advisory and I want to share with you my assessment of our performance. Therefore, I will be addressing the Wilson student-body and staff on Wednesday via closed circuit TV. During this time, I will share what is working and what needs to be changed or improved. This is the beginning of phase two of the year one plan in making Wilson the Model Urban High School in the United States of America.
ACE Mentor Program - We will be meeting this Thursday (11/6) after school in Room 320 for our field trip. Please see Mr. O'Steen if you need to get the permission slip forms for touring the pool construction site. These forms must be turned in for you to take part in the hard hat tour. Please be sure to wear durable, close-toed shoes that you wouldn't mind getting dirty/muddy. See you then!
Report Cards - To be distributed to students in homeroom on Friday (15 minutes). A schedule will be created and announced. A copy of the report card will be mailed home also.
Historic Election - The general election will be this Tuesday, November 4, 2008 and school is open for students. It is the first election where a female will be elected as the Vice President or the first African American elected as president. I have requested that teachers participate in the "Homework Free" night on Tuesday so that students can follow the election results. Please understand that this request is only that a request and a teacher has the option of assigning homework. We expect all students to be in school on Tuesday and Wednesday. If you are 18 or older, I encourage you to vote.
Community Service Hours - Students, who have community service hours, please turn them into Ms. Spinner in the Counseling Office.
Emerging Leaders Intern Program - Students who signed up for "The Mayor's Emerging Leaders Intern Program," please see Ms. Spinner the Counseling Office.
Miss District of Columbia - If you are interested in participating in this year's Miss District of Columbia USA and Miss District of Columbia Teen USA pageants, you can pick up information and an application from Ms. Spinner in the Counseling Office. To be eligible, you must be single, never given birth to a child, a United States citizen, a resident of or attending school in the District of Columbia, and between the ages of 15 and 26.
United Nations Association Essay Contest - If you are interested in submitting an essay for the United Nations Essay Contest, please see Ms. Spinner in the Counseling Office for additional information. Winners will receive up to $500 in prize money. The deadline for submission is November 14, 2008.
National High School Oratorical Scholarship Program - The American Legion will sponsor the National High School Oratorical Scholarship Program, a Constitutional Speech Contest, with scholarship prizes up to $18,000 for first place. The District of Columbia Contest will be held on February 18-20, 2009. Please see Ms. Spinner in the Counseling Office for additional information.
College Visits this Week: Seniors, please pick up a pass from Ms. Bean in the College and Career Center 24 hours prior to the visit if you would like to talk with representatives from any of these colleges. All college visits will occur in room 108 unless otherwise noted.
November 3, 2008
10:00 AM Cal Arts
11:00 AM Occidental
STEP Fairleigh-Dickinson
November 4, 2008
STEP Guilford
November 6, 2008
10:15 AM Johns Hopkins University
11:15 AM Virginia Tech University
STEP Bowie State University
“Make It a Great Day or Not, the Choice is YOURS”
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