Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Seasons Greetings

Thursday, November 6, 2008
We have completed our first advisory and I am pleased to inform you that the state of Wilson is strong but needs to improve even more.
Our biggest problem right now is getting students to school and to each of their classes on time. When students are late to school or to class, they are missing valuable instruction and it is a disruption to our learning climate. Our school day begins at 8:45 am and we need students to be at school on time. Students also have five minutes to transition from one class to the next. I have found this to be enough time to from any point in the building however students stop to socialize and do not move to their next class until the bell rings to begin class.
Therefore, beginning Thursday, November 6, we will institute random daily hall sweeps. Any student found in the hall after the bell rings will be escorted to a holding room where we will assign a consequence ranging from lunch detention to suspension for repeat offenders. I know that we may think that this is a drastic step but please trust me when I say that we need to do this to maintain control and order in our school.
I hope that you will assist us in talking with your student about the need to be on time to school and to each class. I hope that you will support us in our effort to provide a safe and conducive learning climate for all of our students. I believe that if we can successfully eliminate this problem that we will find that many of the other problems that we encounter disappear. Thank you. I sincerely appreciate your continued support of our students, staff, and school.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
"Wilson High School Daily Bulletin"

Monday, Novembe 3, 2008
Weekly Calendar:
Monday Faculty Meeting in the Library 3:30-4:30
Tuesday Election Day - School is in Session
Wednesday Address to the Wilson High School Community by Mr. Cahall
Senior Class Parent and Student PTSA Meeting 7:00-9:00 pm
Friday During Homeroom - First Advisory Reports Cards Issued
Back to Normal - With homecoming two weeks ago and having three advisory periods last week due to the DCBAS and enrollment audit, we will have a regular schedule this week and hopefully get back to the basics in adhering to the our established expectations.
Refocus, Remind, Reinforce - We have completed our first advisory and I want to share with you my assessment of our performance. Therefore, I will be addressing the Wilson student-body and staff on Wednesday via closed circuit TV. During this time, I will share what is working and what needs to be changed or improved. This is the beginning of phase two of the year one plan in making Wilson the Model Urban High School in the United States of America.
ACE Mentor Program - We will be meeting this Thursday (11/6) after school in Room 320 for our field trip. Please see Mr. O'Steen if you need to get the permission slip forms for touring the pool construction site. These forms must be turned in for you to take part in the hard hat tour. Please be sure to wear durable, close-toed shoes that you wouldn't mind getting dirty/muddy. See you then!
Report Cards - To be distributed to students in homeroom on Friday (15 minutes). A schedule will be created and announced. A copy of the report card will be mailed home also.
Historic Election - The general election will be this Tuesday, November 4, 2008 and school is open for students. It is the first election where a female will be elected as the Vice President or the first African American elected as president. I have requested that teachers participate in the "Homework Free" night on Tuesday so that students can follow the election results. Please understand that this request is only that a request and a teacher has the option of assigning homework. We expect all students to be in school on Tuesday and Wednesday. If you are 18 or older, I encourage you to vote.
Community Service Hours - Students, who have community service hours, please turn them into Ms. Spinner in the Counseling Office.
Emerging Leaders Intern Program - Students who signed up for "The Mayor's Emerging Leaders Intern Program," please see Ms. Spinner the Counseling Office.
Miss District of Columbia - If you are interested in participating in this year's Miss District of Columbia USA and Miss District of Columbia Teen USA pageants, you can pick up information and an application from Ms. Spinner in the Counseling Office. To be eligible, you must be single, never given birth to a child, a United States citizen, a resident of or attending school in the District of Columbia, and between the ages of 15 and 26.
United Nations Association Essay Contest - If you are interested in submitting an essay for the United Nations Essay Contest, please see Ms. Spinner in the Counseling Office for additional information. Winners will receive up to $500 in prize money. The deadline for submission is November 14, 2008.
National High School Oratorical Scholarship Program - The American Legion will sponsor the National High School Oratorical Scholarship Program, a Constitutional Speech Contest, with scholarship prizes up to $18,000 for first place. The District of Columbia Contest will be held on February 18-20, 2009. Please see Ms. Spinner in the Counseling Office for additional information.
College Visits this Week: Seniors, please pick up a pass from Ms. Bean in the College and Career Center 24 hours prior to the visit if you would like to talk with representatives from any of these colleges. All college visits will occur in room 108 unless otherwise noted.
November 3, 2008
10:00 AM Cal Arts
11:00 AM Occidental
STEP Fairleigh-Dickinson
November 4, 2008
STEP Guilford
November 6, 2008
10:15 AM Johns Hopkins University
11:15 AM Virginia Tech University
STEP Bowie State University
“Make It a Great Day or Not, the Choice is YOURS”
Senior Parents and Students Meeting
The 2nd Senior Family Meeting will take place on
Wednesday, November 4, 2008
Scheduled Speakers
- Representative from DC CAP (scholarship office)
- Representative from Sun Trust Bank to talk about student loans
- Sandy Bean from Wilson's College and Career Office
- Information on Senior expenses and important dates
- John Snoddy and other Wilson Counselors
There will be time for questions and answers
Last year's college placements: Per request of the first senior parent meeting, a list of last year's seniors and the colleges/universities they are attending is posted on the Wilson website,
under the section titled "College and Career Center."
- Get in request for transcripts
- You must send the SAT/ACT scores to the schools your child is applying to
- "Brag Sheet" should be sent in to counselor completing recommendation as soon as possible.
For more information on the meeting
contact: Beth Perry-202-291-3737
Saturday, November 1, 2008

Wilson Senior, Franklin Fantroy was shot and killed as a result of senseless violence.
He was the victim of an armed robbery as he walked home from the neighborhood recreation center.
His family and friends are in our prayers.
Funeral arrangements for Franklin are as follows:
Monday, November 3, 2008
Viewing 8:30-10:30
Mass 10:30
St. Peter Catholic Church
313 2nd Street S.E.
Washington, DC
Franklin You Will Be Missed
Friday, October 31, 2008
"Wilson High School Daily Bulletin"

Monday, October 27, 2008
Today Is Day 2
Monday First Day of the Second Advisory
Tuesday Local School Restructuring Team (LSRT) Meeting
Wednesday DCBAS Math Assessment 9:50-11:10
Thursday DCBAS Reading Assessment 9:50-11:10
Wilson Night at Deal 7:00-9:00 at Deal
Friday Records Day – Students Released at 12:15
Putting Service in Spirit Week - Did you know Wilson is the only high school in DC that hosts a blood drive? On Tuesday, October 21st, we held our seventh annual Blood Drive in collaboration with the Red Cross, Wilson’s SciMaTech Academy and the Math, Science and Computer Science Departments. Sixty eight (68) students, faculty staff, parents and community members offered to donate the “gift of life” and 33 pints of blood were collected.
This year’s blood drive was dedicated to Mr. Lorenzo Morgan and Mr. Jeff Schultz, two Wilson staff who recently underwent surgery. Thanks to every one who offered to donate and to the blood drive planning team chaired by SciMaTech’s Camille Huggins and Ben Mingo. The rest of the planning team included Raul Gonzalez, Hebing Zhou , Hong Qian Zhu, Nabila Mangum, Bo Ratha, Adam Roberts, Wei Zheng.
College Visits this Week: Seniors, please pick up a pass from Ms. Bean in the College and Career Center 24 hours prior to the visit if you would like to talk with representatives from any of these colleges. All college visits will occur in room 108 unless otherwise noted.
October 27, 2008
George Washington University STEP
Bentley College 9:00 AM
University of Rochester 9:30 AM
Colby-Sawyer College, NH 10:00 AM
University of Maryland 11:00 AM
October 29, 2008
Davidson College 9:30 AM
University of Pittsburgh 11:00 AM
York College of Pennsylvania 9:00 AM
“Make It a Great Day or Not, the Choice is YOURS”
Friday, October 3, 2008
Parent-Teacher Conferences

Teachers will be available to meet with
parents from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm
and 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
"Wilson High School Daily Bulletin"

Thursday, October 2, 2008
Today is Day 1
Weekly Calendar:
JV Boys Soccer vs. St. Anselms 4:15
Gay Straight Alliance Meeting at STEP in room L26
No School for Students – Parent Conferences 12:00-7:00 pm
Varsity Boys Soccer vs. Ballou 4:00 pm
Varsity Club Girls Soccer vs. Maret at Duke Ellington 4:00 pm
Varsity Football vs. Sidwell Friends at 7:00 pm
Parent-Teacher Conferences – will be held this Friday, October 3, 2008. Teachers will be available to meet with parents from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm and 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. School is closed for students on Friday.
COMMUNITY SERVICE OPPORTUNITY - Student Conservation Association—A DCPS Office of Out of School Time vetted organizations is offering a School’s Out for Student’s Service Project
WHEN: Friday October 3, 2008
Meet at Eastern Market Metro 8:45am to get van rides to the park. Back by 3:00pm
WHO: All students invited
WHAT: Help clean up Anacostia Park/River and learn about how you affect the entire watershed.
WHERE: Anacostia Park
WHY: Get community service hours! Be a positive part of your community!
DETAILS: Bring a positive attitude, bagged lunch, water bottle, and clothes/shoes you don’t mind getting dirty.
MUST HAVE A WAIVER SIGNED BY PARENT. RSVP to UTH@thesca.org to receive waver to bring on the day of.
YOUTH VENTURE - Youth Venture is a DCPS Office of Out of School Time vetted organization which funds student groups or businesses that wish to make a positive social impact on the world. Their "DREAM IT DO IT" Challenge begins on October 18th and they would like to invite Wilson students to apply for the program. 10 sessions of planning and learning allows students to get up to $1000 in seed money for their program which addresses a unique community need. For more information, please stop by room 227 to pick up an application from Ms. Josephson (Jamie.Josephson@dc.gov) or contact amontemurro@youthventure.org from Youth Venture directly.
Upcoming events from the Music Department: If any faculty member is interested in singing Carol of the Bells and Silent Night in the Annual Winter Concert (December 16, 6:00 PM), please meet in Room A-1 during S.T.E.P. on Friday. Additional rehearsals will be announced.
In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, 70 students in the Music Department will attend a performance by Na'Rimba at the Cultural Institute of Mexico on Monday, October 6. Students must have their permission slips signed by all teachers. Students must meet in room A-1 before departure. We will leave the building at 9:00 am.
Kennedy Center Performance - Winard Harper will perform in room A-1 on Thursday, October 2. If you are interested in hearing this outstanding jazz musician, contact Mrs. Williams-Chisholm by COB.
Attention All Squash Players - This is a reminder that there will be a meeting today at lunch in Ms. Johnston's room for anyone interested in joining the winter squash team.
Wilson’s Gay Straight Alliance - meets every Thursday in room L 26 next to the gym. Join us on Thursday during STEP. Wilson's Gay Straight Alliance strives to assure that every member of our school community is valued and respected regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity/expression. Wilson’s GSA is open to everyone, Straight, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual, and Questioning.
College Visits this Week: Seniors, please pick up a pass from Ms. Bean in the College and Career Center 24 hours prior to the visit if you would like to talk with representatives from any of these colleges. All college visits will occur in room 108 unless otherwise noted.
St. John’s University, NY 9:00
University of Colorado 9:30
Emmanuel College 10:00
Arizona University 11:00
University of Vermont STEP
“Make It a Great Day or Not, the Choice is YOURS”
"Wilson High School Daily Bulletin"

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Today is Day 2
Weekly Calendar:
Homeroom Advisory (10:00-10:45)
Varsity Boys Soccer @ SWW Marine Barracks 6:00 pm
Sophomore and Junior Parent Meeting in Auditorium at 7:00 pm
JV Boys Soccer vs. St. Anselms 4:15
Gay Straight Alliance Meeting at STEP in room L26
No School for Students – Parent Conferences 12:00-7:00 pm
Varsity Boys Soccer vs. Ballou 4:00 pm
Varsity Club Girls Soccer vs. Maret at Duke Ellington 4:00 pm
Varsity Football vs. Sidwell Friends at 7:00 pm
Sophomore and Junior Parent Meeting – We will have a meeting for all parents of sophomores and junior students to present information from our counseling department on the services that they will provide this year on Wednesday, October 1, 2008 at 7:00 pm in the auditorium. The counselors will share information about the college application process, financial aid, scholarships, SAT, graduation requirements and other related counseling services. All sophomore and junior parents are strongly encouraged to attend this very important and critical informational meeting.
Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT) – Will be given to all students in grades 11, 10, and 9 on Wednesday, October 15, 2008. Please put this on your calendar, as it is our goal for all students to take this very important assessment.
Parlez-vous français? - French Conversation group will meet today at STEP in room 307. Bring your lunch.
College Visits this Week: Seniors, please pick up a pass from Ms. Bean in the College and Career Center 24 hours prior to the visit if you would like to talk with representatives from any of these colleges. All college visits will occur in room 108 unless otherwise noted.
Cleveland Institute of Art 10:45
University of Michigan 11:40
St. John’s University, NY 9:00
University of Colorado 9:30
Emmanuel College 10:00
Arizona University 11:00
University of Vermont STEP
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
10th and 11th Grade Level
Wednesday, October 1, 7 pm - 9 pm
Meet with counselors, parents and students to discuss helpful information and valuable opportunities for 10th and 11th grade students at Wilson.
Please mark your calendars for future meetings.
Additional meetings will take place on the following dates:
10th Grade- Sophomore & 11th Grade - Junior
Wednesday, December 3, 2008, 7 pm - 9 pm
Wednesday, February 4, 2009, 7 pm - 9 pm
Wednesday, April 8, 2009, 7 pm - 9 pm
Light refreshments will be served.
For additional information, please feel free to contact your
PTSA parent representatives
9th grade- Mack James mackj9430@earthlink.net
10th grade- Leticia Barnes Long leticialong3@yahoo.com
216.2768 (day) 459.8808 (evening)
11th grade- Daria Shumaker daria.shumaker@starpower.net
12th grade- Beth Perry bethp2@aol.com
"Wilson High School Daily Bulletin"

Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Today is Day 1
Sophomore and Junior Parent Meeting – We will have a meeting for all parents of sophomores and junior students to present information from our counseling department on the services that they will provide this year on Wednesday, October 1, 2008 at 7:00 pm in the auditorium. The counselors will share information about the college application process, financial aid, scholarships, SAT, graduation requirements and other related counseling services. All sophomore and junior parents are strongly encouraged to attend this very important and critical informational meeting.
Library Media Crew –The Library Media Crew is looking for some technology smart 9th to 11th grade students to produce websites, film graphics, dub DVDs and be the school’s film production crew. We will also run the school’s closed circuit television station. Come to the Library Media Crew interest meeting on Tuesday, September 30 during STEP in the library.
Homecoming Battle of the Bands – Would like to have your band perform at STEP during homecoming week? If so, please write a letter (typed) to Mr. Cahall with the members of your band, type of music, and a short explanation as to how your band will add to the positive school climate that we have established this year by Friday, October 3, 2008. You should submit your letter to the main office.
College Visits this Week - Seniors, please pick up a pass from Ms. Bean in the College and Career Center 24 hours prior to the visit if you would like to talk with representatives from any of these colleges. All college visits will occur in room 108 unless otherwise noted.
9:00 Wesley College
10:00 North Carolina State
10:15 Carleton College
STEP Green Mountain College
1:00 Colgate University
10:45 Cleveland Institute of Art
11:40 University of Michigan
9:00 St. John’s University, NY
9:30 University of Colorado
10:00 Emmanuel College
11:00 Arizona University
STEP University of Vermont
“Make It a Great Day or Not, the Choice is YOURS”
"Wilson High School Daily Bulletin"

Monday, September 29, 2008
Today is Day 2
Weekly Calendar:
Monday Do Something Nice for Someone that You Do Not Know
Tuesday Take Time to Say Thank You to a Teacher Who Has Helped You
Wednesday Homeroom Advisory (10:00-10:45)
Sophomore and Junior Parent Meeting in the Library at 7:00 pm
Thursday Gay Straight Alliance Meeting at STEP in room L26
Friday No School for Students – Parent Conferences 12:00-7:00 pm
Varsity Football vs. Sidwell at 7:00 pm
Congratulations JROTC - Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Gerald Foster and Cadet Sergeant Major Nigel Draper, both WSHS seniors and four-year JROTC cadets, were selected as the Commander and Senior Non-Commissioned Officer, respectively. A clean sweep, for two bright, dedicated, deserving young gentlemen who I am sure will serve in the highest traditions of WSHS and the JROTC program.
Theft – Unfortunately, we live in a world where people will steal from other people. We have experienced an increase in the theft of personal belongings last week. We are asking students to ensure that they secure and/or lock all personal items. Please do not share your locker or lock combination with any other student. You are reminded not to leave your personal belongings unattended. I have put our administrative team, security officers, and police officers on high alert so that we can address this issue. Your help and cooperation in following the directives above is appreciated and will help to reduce the amount of theft in our school.
CREDIT RECOVERY - Credit recovery has come to Wilson! Students may take up to three credits after school from 3:30 pm to 6:00 pm Monday through Thursday. Parental and counselor approval is necessary for enrollment. Credit recovery is sponsored by the DCPS Office of Out of School Time and is at no cost to the student. Students should stop by Room 227 and see Ms. Josephson, the After School Programs Site Coordinator, or email her at Jamie.Josephson@dc.gov for more information.
Preliminary Scholastic Appitude Test (PSAT) – Will be given to all students in grades 11, 10, and 9 on Wednesday, October 15, 2008. Please put this on your calendar as it is our goal for all students to take this very important assessment.
Student Fare Card Sales – In order to purchase a student fare card, you must complete a deposit slip with the following information: date, your name, and the amount ($26.00).
Special Olympics – All participants in the Summer Olympics must see Mr. Gerald before starting your event. Captains for basketball, soccer, and volleyball, please see Mr. Gerald for rules and regulations of your sport. Everyone is responsible for checking the day and date of your contest. The front and side doors near the gym area will give you additional information.
Library Media Crew – Do you enjoy shooting videos? Have you built your own computer? Can you design a webpage or lay audio in a PowerPoint or Moviemaker file? If you can do one or more of these, we invite you to join the Library Media Crew. We are looking for some technology smart 9th to 11th grade students to produce websites, film graphics, dub DVDs and be the school’s film production crew. We will also run the school’s closed circuit television station. Come to the Library Media Crew interest meeting on Tuesday, September 30 during STEP in the library.
Homecoming – Is October 20-25, 2008. In order for students to participate or attend in any of the homecoming events (talent show, pep rally, dance), students must be in “good standing” at our school. Students who are chronically late to school, late to class, have been suspended, and/or not meeting academic expectations will not be permitted to take part in the homecoming activities.
Homecoming Spirit Days and Events:
Monday, October 20 80’s Day
Tuesday, October 21 Twin Day
Wednesday, October 22 International Day
Thursday, October 23 College Wear Day
Talent Show Periods 3 & 4 (Sign Up Assembly)
Friday, October 24 Class Color Day
(12-Black, 11-Green, 10-Orange, 9 White)
Pep Rally (2:30-3:15)
Saturday, October 25 Football Game Wilson vs. Dunbar 12:00 pm
Homecoming Dance 8:00-11:00 pm
College Visits this Week - Seniors, please pick up a pass from Ms. Bean in the College and Career Center 24 hours prior to the visit if you would like to talk with representatives from any of these colleges.
9:00 Wesley College
10:00 North Carolina State
10:15 Carleton College
STEP Green Mountain College
1:00 Colgate University
10:45 Cleveland Institute of Art
11:40 University of Michigan
9:00 St. John’s University, NY
9:30 University of Colorado
10:00 Emmanuel College
11:00 Arizona University
STEP University of Vermont
“Make It a Great Day or Not, the Choice is YOURS”
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Senior Parent and Student Meeting
7:00 pm
Wilson Library
Miércoles, 24 de Septiembre
7:00 pm
Biblioteca de Wilson

Senior Parent and Student Meeting
Wednesday, September 24
Wilson Library
Come and learn about the college application process, information on trade schools, important deadlines, transcripts, letters of recommendation, scholarship information
Talk with Wilson staff and other parents.
For more information, call Beth Perry 202-291-3737
Reunion de Padres y Estudiantes del 12 grado
Miércoles, 24 de Septiembre
Biblioteca de Wilson
Vengan y aprendan sobre el proceso de aplicaciones para la universidad, información sobre las escuelas técnicas, fechas importantes, transcripciones, cartas de recomendación, información de becas
Hablar con la facultad de Wilson y otros padres
Para Mas Información-Beth Perry 202-291-3737
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
"Wilson High School Daily Bulletin"

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Be on time to School and your Classes
Do something special today for someone else
Math Center Support – Our Math Center is open daily from 3:15 to 5:30 in room 312. Students can work with others and get help in your math course. Please take advantage of this resource and support.
Yearbook Sales – We are reviving an old tradition. It is now cool to buy a Yearbook. Yearbooks can be purchased at the school bank or online at http://www.yearbookordercenter.com/ (school order # 5676). The price of the yearbook ranges from $60 to $70 if you purchase one before January 1, 2009. If you have questions, please see Ms. Bowser in room L13 or you can email her at Tennille.Bowser@dc.gov.
Softball Interest Meeting - There will be a softball information meeting for the upcoming Spring Season at lunch time on Thursday, September 25, 2008 in the Gym Lobby. No experience necessary. Show up if you have any interest.
National College Fair - Junior and senior students are invited to attend the National College Fair held at the Washington Convention Center on September 29, 2008 from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. There will be workshops focusing on financial aid, student athletes, and the college experience. This is a citywide event; therefore, students will travel with their respective schools. There are only 170 seats available for our Wilson junior and senior students. Students can pick up a permission slip from Ms. Bean, the College and Career Coordinator; Ms. Spinner, the Guidance Counselors' Assistant, and Ms. Hall, the DC CAP Adviser. Permission slips are due by this Thursday, September 25th. For more information, students may talk with their counselors.
Applying Early Action, Early Decision, Early Rolling? – There is a mandatory meeting during STEP on Wednesday, September 24 in the auditorium. Please see Ms. Bean in the College and Career Center if you have questions.
Monday, September 22, 2008
"Wilson High School Daily Bulletin"

Monday, September 22, 2008
Be on time to School and your Classes
Do something special today for someone else
Congratulations – To Pilar Barreyro for being one of two DCPS students who was selected to receive the Manny Acta Nationals Scholarship worth $2,500!
Advisory Midpoint – Is Wednesday, September 24th. Reports will be mailed to parents on Wednesday.
Senior Parent Meeting – We will have a meeting for all senior parents and students to present information from our counseling department on the services that they will provide this year on Wednesday, September 24 at 7:00 pm in the library. The counselors will share information about the college application process, financial aid, scholarships, SAT, and graduation requirements. All senior parents are strongly encouraged to attend this very important and critical informational meeting.
Envelope Stuffing Party - Volunteers are needed to help with the PTSA mailing on Monday, September 22 from 5:30 to 7:30 in Room 108 (down the hall across from the main office). Join other Wilson parents for a casual gathering to help with a PTSA mailing. Light refreshments provided. Relax and share stories of your student's first weeks at school!
SGA and Class Officer Candidates Petitions – Are due this Friday, September 26 to Ms. Caccamise. Be a part of the solution and not the problem, run for SGA or class office and be a leader in our school.
Reminder: WMPA Meeting 9-22-08 7 pm

Monday, September 22nd
7 pm – 8:30 pm
Woodridge Library
1801 Rhode Island Ave., NE
(the corner of 18th & Rhode Island)
Mr. James Gaston III
Program Specialist
Higher Education Financial Services
"learn about the various programs available
to helping students get money for college"
Friday, September 19, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Thursday, September 18th
Come Support Your Child's Education
Come Support Your Child's School
Come Support Your Child's Teachers

Right click on image to increase size for
better viewing

The NAACP Youth & College Division is in need of
high school and college student interns to work
either in the Baltimore Headquarters or
Washington (DC) Bureau Office.
The internship will begin immediately and run
through election day, November 4th.
A small stipend for the duration of the internship
will be provided. Students must commit to work
at least 8 hours a week.
To apply, email the following information ASAP
The NAACP Youth & College Division is in need of
high school and college student interns to work
either in the Baltimore Headquarters or
Washington (DC) Bureau Office.
The internship will begin immediately and run
through election day, November 4th.
A small stipend for the duration of the internship
will be provided. Students must commit to work
at least 8 hours a week.
To apply, email the following information ASAP
National Director
NAACP Youth & College Division
NAACP Unit Name (if applicable):
Preferred Location:
Phone #:
Days/Hours of Availability:
"Wilson High School Daily Bulletin"

Wednedsay, September 17, 2008
Be on time to School and your Classes
Do something special today for someone else
Clubs and Activities Fair – Will be held this THURSDAY during STEP in the Stadium Exit Area. Meet and greet with Mentor's Inc., Men of Strength Club, Wilson's own band directors, Gay Straight Alliance, French Club and It's Academic!
Credit Recovery - Ask Ms. J about CREDIT RECOVERY when you stop by Room. 227 with your schedule and a copy of your schedule/transcript from your counselor that shows what classes you need to take to graduate on time.
Free SAT Prep Course - All students who signed up for AA LEAD’s FREE SAT PREP COURSE should report to Room 202 FRIDAY at 3:30 p.m. for class. DON'T FORGET!! IT'S FREE SAT PREP!
Art Club Meeting - The Art Club will meet at STEP today in Room 200. We welcome new members! You don't need to have talent. You just need to enjoy art and socializing with other people who do.
“Make It a Great Day or Not, the Choice is YOURS”
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Wilson Tigers Ice Hockey Tryouts

Wilson's Ice Hockey Tigers
This is the only public school ice hockey team in DC
Tryouts will be held at
Fort Dupont Arena
Monday, September 22
7:30 pm -8:50 pm
Wilson Debate Team Annual Fundraiser
in the Debate Team

In return for your investment you will receive a stock certificate and a receipt for tax purposes.
Team members will be selling shares of stock at the activities fair before Back to School Night on Thursday, September 18th.
Three-Time Metro
continue its winning ways!
"Wilson High School Daily Bulletin"

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Be on time to School and your Classes
Do something special today for someone else
Wilson Concert Choir - Please come and show your support of the Wilson Senior High School Concert Choir on Thursday, September 18, 6:00 pm - Back to School Night. The choir will perform for parents, friends and members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. The sorority donated 40 choir robes to Wilson's Vocal Music Department. The performance will take place in the Library.
The World Language Study Center is Officially Open - Wilson's student-run center will be available to students Monday through Thursday from 3:30 pm - 4:45 pm on the third floor. Please check with your language instructor for more information. Also, advanced language students who are interested in tutoring, please see your language teacher for an application ASAP. Community service hours are available.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Wilson High Back-To-School Night
Come Support Your Child's School
Come Support Your Child's Teachers
Please Join Us for
Back-To-School Night
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Parent Involvement Fair
(6:00 pm-6:50 pm)
- Counseling Department
- After School and Extracurricular Activities
- The Beacon—Wilson’s Newspaper
- The Yearbook
Parent Orientation
(7:00 pm -9:00 pm)
Overview of the Program
- Hear about course and teacher expectations
- Learn how students will be assessed –
- Learn how and when to contact a
- Meet and greet your student’s
- Learn how you can partner with
Parents are asked to enter the school
- Parents with students with the last names beginning with
A-F will enter the main building through the far right door
- Parents with students with the last names beginning with
G-O will enter the main building through the far left door
- Parents with students with the last names beginning with
P-Z will enter the school through the gymnasium doors
Sunday, September 14, 2008
College Visits this Week

Come learn about various
Colleges and Universities
Seniors, please pick up a pass from Ms. Bean in the College and Career Center 24 hours prior to the visit if you would like to talk with representatives from any of these colleges.
The meeting location for all the schools is Room 108.
9:00 am Bucknell College
11:40 am Indiana University
10:00 am Rice University
11:45 am (STEP) Colby College
9:00 am Wellesley College
10:30 am Wesleyan University
11:00 am Boston University
11:45 am (STEP) Tuskegee
10:00 am Reed College
9:00 am Elon University
10:00 am University of Maryland Baltimore County
"Wilson High School Daily Bulletin"

Monday, September 15, 2008
Be on time to School and your Classes
Do something special today for someone else
Hispanic Heritage Month – It begins today. Celebrate Wilson’s diversity by learning more about Hispanic culture and traditions. Be on the look out for opportunities and activities to celebrate our Hispanic students, staff, and school community members.
Congratulations Our Football Team - The Wilson Tigers scored a resounding victory over Maret 41 to 10 Friday evening. It was an impressive win! From what I am told, we had more fans than Wilson has had in years. The team plays this Friday, September 19th against Coolidge at 7 pm. I strongly encourage you to show your school spirit and pride this Friday and make some noise.
Back to School Night – Our Back to School Night is this Thursday, September 18th from 7 pm - 9 pm. This event is for parents and guardians only. You will be given a copy of your schedule to take home to your parents in Wednesday’s advisory. Please remind and encourage your parent(s) to attend this important event, as we want to work with your parents to ensure your academic success this year.
Recruiting Student Leaders – We are in the process of having students complete petitions to run for SGA or class officers. Please consider being a student leader, representing your fellow-students, and having a voice in the direction of our school. Petition applications can be obtained from the main office, counseling office, Ms. Caccamise, or on the Wilson webpage.
Picture Day – Students will take their yearbook pictures on Thursday, September 18th and Friday, September 19th during their English class. All students must take a yearbook picture. Faculty and staff are strongly encouraged to have your picture taken on one of these two days (8:30-3:30).
DC Youth Advisory Council - (DCYAC) is pleased to announce that we are currently accepting applications for the 2008-2009 council. Located within the Executive Office of the Mayor, the DCYAC was created by District youth and officials in order for young people to have an official ongoing voice in the policies, programs and actions within the city. The DCYAC is responsible for influencing change in legislation and policies that impact youth, and for developing more youth and adult partnerships.
The DCYAC consists of 32 council members, between the ages of 13 and 22, selected from various sectors of the District (3 members from each of the 8 wards and 8 at-large representatives who have experience with the Juvenile Justice System and Foster Care). The Youth Advisory Council advises the Mayor, the District Council, DC public schools, other key decision makers in the District government, and other adult leaders in the District by:
Please note that applicants must have been residents of the District of Columbia for at least one year. The application is available on our website at www.dcyac.dc.gov. Clink on the "Become a Member" link. The deadline for applications is Friday, October 3, 2008 but we are interviewing candidates now. For more information, contact Carol Talley, Program Analyst at Carol.Talley@dc.gov or 202.727.7976.
“Make It a Great Day or Not, the Choice is YOURS”
Saturday, September 13, 2008
National Black Caucus Job Fair

National Black Caucus Job Fair
Washington Convention Center
Sept 25th - Sept 27th
Friday, September 12, 2008
Syracuse University School of Architecture

The opportunities are available to students interested in studying Architecture.
Mark Robbins, Dean of SyracuseUniversity's School of Architecture is desperately seeking young men and women of color interested in pursuing a five year professional degree in Architecture.
Dean Robbins is deeply committed to bringing diversity to his field and has scholarship money set aside to fully cover education costs for 10 students. Hispanic enrollment in the school has increased substantially but, it's been harder to attract Blacks.
SyracuseUniversity 's School of Architecture has a great reputation and this seems like a terrific opportunity for the write students.
Mark Robbins
Dean, School of Architecture
Syracuse University
Time's Running Out To Register To Vote

Is the Voter Registration Deadline
For 17 1/2-year-olds & Up
There is some concern brewing that voter registration is being jeopardized. Don't assume that since you have voted in the past thatyour voter registration is still active. Some people have recently checked to find out that they are no longer registered. Their registration has mysteriously disappeared even though they have been registered to vote for years.
For MARYLAND residents, you can click on the link below to check tomake sure you are still registered. http://mdelections.umbc.edu/voter_registration/v2/vote_prod.php
For VIRGINIA residents, click on the following link to check ANDregister if needed. http://www.voteforchange.com/
For DC Residents, click the following link http://www.dcboee.org/voter_info/reg_status/
If you are not registered to vote, you can click on the following link for a voter registration form which must be filled out and mailed before October 4th to vote in the general election. http://www.elections.com/
Scholarship Opportunity

Manny Acta, manager of the Nationals would like to award scholarships to two students in the district this year. Students must write two paragraphs describing why they deserve the scholarship. Winners will receive a check for $2500 on the field during the September 18th game.
The following lists the criteria for the scholarship:
1. Two students (one male, one female) will receive a $2500 scholarship
2. Hispanic or African-American
3. College-bound Senior
6. Would prefer if students have financial need
2008 DC Family Education Tech Expo

September 13, 2008
9:00 am - 4:30 pm
McKinley Tech
Senior High School
151 T Street, NE
Washington, DC
Take the Metro Red Line to the New York Avenue/Florida Avenue/Gallaudet University stop or the Rhode Island Avenue/Brentwood stop
[Free shuttle service between McKinley and the Metro Station]
The Expo is FREE but,
you need you to register on line
To Register Visit http://www.osse.dc.gov/
Some of what you can expect at this event!
-Free breakfast and lunch
-Free child care
-Children's Pavillion: moon bounce, games, face painting and more
-Free children's dental screening
-Workshops (helping with homework, parent/students rights and more
-Exhibition Hall (resources for college, tutoring, mentoring and more
-Free back packs and other give-a-ways
-Musical, spoken word and other entertainment
-Special Education resources
-After school resoureces
-Early intervention screening for preschoolers
-Much, much more for all parents, all students and all families
If you have questions contact:
Erica Louison, Ward Coordinator
(202) 238-9355
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
Important Reminder:
Today is the LAST day to change classes.
All Add and Dropslips must be approved by the STUDENT's OWN Counselor.
Forms MUST be submitted by Friday at NOON.
"Wilson High School Daily Bulletin"

Friday, September 12, 2008
It Is A New Day (A Message from Mr. Cahall) – Let me first tell you how proud and pleased I am with what I am seeing from our students. However, there is one area that I am concerned about and want all of us to focus on in the near future. The focus is being on time to school and to each class. I have made it my mission and central theme that I will ensure that our students are provided a world-class education in a respectful and nurturing school community. As a result, I have high expectations for our students. One of my expectations is that students are on time to school and to each class. This is a starting point in establishing an expectation that your education is important to you and that you want to learn.
On Wednesday, September 17 during homeroom, I will present my plan to our school community via closed circuit TV that will outline the goals, plans, consequences, and incentives for having students arrive to school on time. We will share our plan with parents and our community via our webpage, list-serve, and newsletters to ensure that everyone understands the plan and the rationale behind the plan. Please assist and support us, as we want to provide every student with a high quality education. It begins with the little things such as being on time to school and to class.
"Wilson High School Daily Bulletin"

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Remembering September 11, 2001 – Today, we remember and honor our fellow Americans who lost their lives, injured, or impacted on September 11, 2001. We will have a moment of silence today to pause and remember the victims of this day.
Tomorrow, SEPTEMBER 12 is the last day to change classes. All Add and Drop slips must be approved by the STUDENT's OWN Counselor. These forms MUST be submitted by Friday at NOON. Signed, John Snoddy, School Counselor
"Wilson High School Daily Bulletin"

Art Club - The Art Club will meet today and every Wednesday at STEP in Room 200. We are looking for more members who have some interest in art. No talent is required! Art Club provides "art services" to Wilson in the form of stage sets, backdrops for assemblies and Homecoming face painting. Come join us!
Are you interested in marine science? - Join NEMO, an after school club all about oceanic science. Our first meeting will be on Thursday at 3:30 in room 223. See Ms. Tilman in room 223 for more information.
"Make It a Great Day or Not, Choice is YOURS"
"Wilson High School Daily Bulletin"

Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Brainfood - If you are interested in the Brainfood after school program (which results in 100 hours of community service if you attend all classes), please attend one of the MANDATORY orientations at the following dates and locations:
Brainfood Chinatown (Calvary Baptist Church 733 8th St., NW)
Monday 9/8/08 4-6pm or Monday 9/15/08 4-6pm
Brainfood Columbia Heights (St. Stephen's of the Incarnation 1525 Newtown St., NW) Tuesday 9/9/08 4-6pm or Tuesday 9/16/08 4-6pm
Urban Alliance PAID Internships - Any student who is interested in applying to the Urban Alliance Internship program please stop by Rm. 227 during STEP or after school to make sure you get your application in by FRIDAY. You need a teacher recommendation AND one other recommendation so lets make sure it happens!
Wilson's Gay Straight Alliance - Meets every Thursday in room L26 next to the gym during STEP.
The Wilson Homecoming Talent Show - Students who are interested in participating in the Homecoming Talent Show should sign up in Room A-1 (Mrs. Williams-Chisholm's classroom) on Wednesday, September 10 during STEP. This is the only day for sign ups. The time and place for auditions will be shared with students who sign up. The show is scheduled for October 23. Teachers are welcome to participate as well. You can be reassured that Mr. Cahall and the administrative team will have an act in the show. Who is up for the challenge?
Asian Club - All students interested in Asian culture are invited to attend the first meeting of the Asian Club in room 210 (Ms. Ball's room) for 12:00 to 12:20 this Friday and most other Fridays throughout the school year.
Scholarship Opportunity - Manny Acta, manager of the Nationals would like to award scholarships to two students in the district this year. Students must write two paragraphs describing why they deserve the scholarship. Winners will receive a check for $2500 on the field during the September 18th game.
Criteria for the scholarship:
1. Two students (one male, one female) will receive a $2500 scholarship
2. Hispanic or African-American
3. College-bound Senior
4. Minimum 3.3 GPA
5. Projected field of study in college- Science, Technology, Business
6. Would prefer if students have financial need
"Make It a Great Day or Not, the Choice is YOURS"